How to conquer negative thinking

We can't lie if sometime some negative thoughts appear in mind. I've learned a lot and took a long time to conquer this bad thoughts, with practice we can learn to disrupt and tame negative cycles.
Negative thoughts can affect your health and the way to enjoy life. 

What things that make you worry and have a negative thoughts in life? maybe it comes from one of those things : 

  • career
  • relationship
  • health 
  • financial
  • what ppl think about you
  • etc...
It's a reasonable thing if bad luck happened to us. It happened to give lessons for us, don't do the same things in the next stage of life. Pain serves a purpose. 

The best way to conquer this shitty things is to accept that negative thoughts. I did it when some negative thoughts appeared in my mind. Yes, It was so hard at the beginning. Think clearly and take a deep breath, inhale-exhale. Accepting is the hardest part. We're a human, it's hard to accept something that happens out of will. You don't need to give a fuck for everything in life. 
Oh ya, never try to do this things, "I'll forget this or pretend there's nothing happened, etc etc...". It will make you sick as hard as you try to forget it. 

After you've accepted that negative thoughts, you need to force yourself to challenge it. Life without challenge is not a life HAHAHA. So this step is the most important one. I always try to see it  from different perspective. Try to find a good meaning from it. "Why those things happen to me? It must have a valuable meaning for me. There's something that I need to learn and change from my life. I've made a mistake, I need to be better."  I always ask some questions to my self, hahaha. It helps me a lot. 

Have you tried to do this things? If you have a trouble to challenge yourself you can imagine if that things happened to your friends, best friends. What kind of advise would you give to them? That advice should work for you too. 

Worrying to much about life will never give a best outcome in your life. We should accept and challenge it. Haha, I can say if I have a positive mindset in life. I've done a lot of practices and of course it took a lot of time. Practice make perfect!!

Spread positive thought!



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